iCIMS Integration Overview

iCIMS believes our customers should be able to integrate into any tools they want to support them in achieving their 'TA' goals. We have defined processes and pathways to make integrations as easy as possible. There are two main paths to building an integration with iCIMS - Customer Specific and iCIMS defined. It is important to note you do not have to be a partner with iCIMS to build an integration. 

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Partner Integrations with iCIMS

If you are planning to build an iCIMS defined integration with multiple iCIMS ATS Customer Platforms, you should review and follow the process outlined below:

  1. Review iCIMS Developer Resources site.

  2. After reviewing iCIMS API, design your integration to adhere to the documented process (i.e., use the REST API and read/write to standard fields). Integrations should also be designed to be scalable and repeatable, meaning that they are easy to setup and require minimal back-and-forth between yourself, your client, and iCIMS staff.

  3. Once you have a design for the integration, reach out to your iCIMS Partner Manager to schedule a call with the iCIMS Developer Support Team to review the integration and value proposition for our shared clients. The team will review your business use case and answer any additional questions that you have.

  4. Once the the integration is approved, iCIMS will provide validation requirements specific to the integration and set up a sandbox environment for the exclusive purpose of developing, testing and validating your integration. To set up a sandbox environment, iCIMS requires a REST endpoint and authentication method. Specific requirements are sent when the integration is approved.  

  5. Use the sandbox environment to develop, test and validate the integration for the iCIMS Marketplace Validation, and direct any questions to iCIMS Developer Support Team.  The iCIMS Sandbox is prohibited for customer integration testing and customer demo usage, and is subject for partner removal.

  6. After your integration has been successfully developed, reach out again to iCIMS Developer Support Team, who will notify you if it has been approved or rejected.

Partner Integration Approval Process

iCIMS requires that Partners validate their defined integration product with the iCIMS Developer Support Team before it can be listed on the iCIMS Marketplace. There is an initial validation process that must be completed the first time a new integration is built. There is also a revalidation process for circumstances where there have been changes to the integration or a product is found not to be following the standard.  

Initial Validation | Revalidation Process

Initial Validation

The initial validation process consists of a video submission where the vendor provides an end-to-end demonstration of the integration using the iCIMS provided sandbox.. The iCIMS team will review the logs, ensure that the correct fields are being read and written to and that information is communicated in real-time. The integration is expected to follow the documentation specific to the particular integration as provided on this Developer Community. 

Once the Developer confirms they are ready for their integration to be validated for approval, the Developer is required to send the video and all other collateral that is specific to the integration that is documented in the validation requirements to iCIMS Developer Support Team.

Sample Validation Use Cases

Use Case 1:  End to end without Errors (video used as collateral by both iCIMS and partner)

This video should showcase the working integration and can also be used for:

  1. Customer Integration Demo
  2. Marketplace Marketing

Use Case 2:  Duplicate Request Error Handling

  1. Does not require a video, just screenshot(s) of the error
  2. Should produce a 400 error response with a user-friendly message in the payload for customer display

Use Case 3:  Missing Required Field Error Handling

  1. Does not require a video, just screenshot(s) of the error
  2. Should produce a 400 error response with a user-friendly message in the payload, with the missing required information, for customer display

To complete validation iCIMS requires the vendor to provide and confirm the following:

  • Fields that are read and written to through the API. Fields should be listed out by profile type and access type: Read Only, Read/Write
  • Information required by the partner to enable the integration on a client’s iCIMS Platform
    • For example:

      • Authentication Method

        • IP addresses to allow if required to authenticate
      • Package IDs
      • Optional features that are supported
      • Partner Credentials
      • Customer ID
    • Note that values that will differ across client platforms shouldn’t be hardcoded

For a partner to receive a designation in the iCIMS Marketplace they must first validate the connector with the iCIMS Developer Support Team. This designation improves the partner’s position in the Marketplace. There are specific circumstances that will require an integration to be revalidated to maintain the designation in the Marketplace.

The partner may also email the iCIMS ISV Enablement Team to initiate the revalidation

Revalidation Process


  1. When it is determined by the iCIMS Developer Support Team that an integration requires revalidation the Partner will be notified via email. 
  2. The revalidation must be completed within 90 days of iCIMS sending such email.
  3. The Developer will be provided sandbox access to complete the revalidation and the sandbox will be supported by the iCIMS Developer Support Team.
  4. If the partner does not complete the validation by the due date the integration may be removed from the iCIMS Marketplace and calls may be suspended at iCIMS sole discretion.

Prime Integrations

The integration revalidation process applies to any Prime integration listed in the marketplace that has been validated prior to new Prime features being made available. The revalidation process will also apply to Prime integrations that have been validated and during a customer implementation it is reported that the partner is not adhering to the process or features that were validated.

Standard Integrations

The integration revalidation process will also apply to any integrations that are listed in the iCIMS Marketplace as “standard” and during a customer implementation it is reported that the integration is not adhering to the process or features that were validated.

When revalidation is required the integration will follow the most recent version of the iCIMS developer’s guide and they will be provided with the requirements to revalidate their specific connector type.

When a new feature is introduced that requires revalidation affected Partners will be notified via email when the feature is released and if the new feature is mandatory. This will also be documented on the Developer community. For new features that are mandatory partners will have 1 year from the time of release to complete the revalidation.

Customer Integration wIth iCIMS

This integration type is built on the specifications of a mutual customer. Customer specific or custom fields may used and the integration may be flat-file, API or a combination of both. The integration tends to be non-repeatable or they do not fit into one of the iCIMS documented integrations. Customer specific integrations are built directly on the each customer platform and a sandbox is not provided. A mutual customer must be in place to begin the development. 

iCIMS customers and developers building the integration on their behalf should refer to the API documentation under the Applications that pertain to the integration. Other supporting documentation such as Connecting and Authenticating can be found under Services