Person Profile Data Model

The table below describes the different standard field types available and their representation when retrieving their values as well as the expected representations when modifying them.


  • Child fields are listed below their Parent field, indicated by an em dash (e.g., "— addresscity").

  • Click the red plus sign to the right of each row to view a field's options, if applicable.

  • For any field types, a null or empty string can be provided as the value to delete its value from the Profile.

  • Note that values patched in for the School, Major, and Degree lists are subject to the following logic:

    • If no option on the list (hidden or unhidden) matches the value patched in, the value will be added to the list and the patch will be successful.

    • If multiple existing unhidden values on the list match the value patched in, the system will arbitrarily choose one and the patch will be successful.

    • If an existing hidden value on the list matches the value patched in, the patched value will not be added to the list and the patch will be unsuccessful.

  • For information on fields required for successful imports, please see the "Missing Required Columns" section of the What Might Cause My Import to Fail? under Imports on the File-Based Transfers page.

  • Click here to download an Excel file containing the information below.

Manipulating the Person Profile Using the API

Person Profiles can be created and updated using the Profiles API. The endpoint for the Person Profile is as follows:{customerId}/people/{peopleId}

Integrations that use this data model

A person profile is a generic term for all people inside the iCIMS talent platform.  This can indicate a candidate, employee, hiring manager or any combination of the three.  All standard integrations besides Job Distribution utilize the Person Profile data model.

File Contents
WebService Field ID Label FlatFile Header Type Max +
addresses Addresses N/A Field Group (With Default Selection) N/A +
addresscity City N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
addresscountry Country N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
addresscounty County N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
addressstate State/Province N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
addressstreet1 Address N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
addressstreet2 Address 2 N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
addresstype Type N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
addresszip Postal Code N/A TEXTFIELD 16 +
addresshistory Address History N/A Field Group N/A +
addresshistorycity Address History City N/A TEXTFIELD 32 +
addresshistorycountry Address History Country N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
addresshistorydatefrom Address History From N/A DATEONLY N/A +
addresshistorydateto Address History To N/A DATEONLY N/A +
addresshistorystate Address History State N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
addresshistorystreet Address History Street N/A TEXTFIELD 32 +
addresshistoryzip Address History Zip N/A TEXTFIELD N/A +
aliases Aliases N/A Field Group N/A +
aliasesdatefrom Alias Date From N/A DATEONLY N/A +
aliasesdateto Alias Date To N/A DATEONLY N/A +
aliasesfirstname Alias First Name N/A TEXTFIELD 32 +
aliaseslastname Alias Last Name N/A TEXTFIELD 32 +
availabledate Available Date N/A DATEONLY N/A +
availstatus Avail. Status N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
bgcresults BGCheck Results N/A Field Group N/A +
bgccompleteddate Completed Date N/A DATETIME N/A +
bgcorderstatus Order Status N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
bgcscreeningresult Screening Result N/A TEXTFIELD 256 +
bgcscreeningtype Screening Type N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
bgcurl Result URL N/A URL 2083 +
billrate Bill Rate BillRate SALARY N/A +
birthdate Birth Date BirthDate DATEONLY N/A +
bonus z.Bonus - Not Used bonus TEXTFIELD N/A +
commission Commission commission TEXTFIELD N/A +
currentindustry Current Industry N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
currentposition Current Position N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
currentpositionlevel Cur. Level N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
decisiondate Decision Date DecisionDate DATEONLY N/A +
department Department N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
disability Disability N/A EEODROPDOWN N/A +
division Division Division TEXTFIELD 32 +
drivinglicensenumber Driver's License Number N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
drivinglicensestate Driver's License State/Province N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
drugscreeningresults Drug Screening Results N/A Field Group N/A +
completeddate Completed Date N/A DATETIME N/A +
orderstatus Order Status N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
resulturl Result URL N/A URL 2083 +
screeningresult Screening Result N/A TEXTFIELD 256 +
screeningtype Screening Type N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
education Education N/A Field Group N/A +
educationcity City N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
educationcountry Country N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
educationstartdate Start Date N/A DATEONLY N/A +
educationstate State N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
gpa GPA N/A DECIMAL 255 +
graduationdate End Date N/A DATEONLY N/A +
isgraduated Did You Graduate? N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
minor Minor N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
yearscompleted Number of Years Completed N/A NUMBER N/A +
email Email Email EMAIL 128 +
enddate End Date EndDate DATEONLY N/A +
experienceyears Exp. (Years) N/A DECIMAL N/A +
externalid External ID ExternalID TEXTFIELD 64 +
externalsource External Source N/A TEXTFIELD N/A +
federaladditionalwithholding Federal Additional Withholdings N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
federalexemptfromfit Federal Exempt From FIT N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
federalexemptions Federal Exemptions N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
federalmaritalstatus Federal Marital Status N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
federalwithholdingtype Federal Withholding Type N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
firstname First Name FirstName TEXTFIELD 192 +
folder Person Folder Folder LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
formerlastname Former Last Name N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
gender Gender Gender EEODROPDOWN N/A +
groupinformation Agency Group N/A DROPDOWN_MULTIPLE_ID N/A +
hiredate Hire Date N/A DATEONLY N/A +
hiringmanagerdivision Division N/A TEXTFIELD 32 +
hiringmanagerorganization Organization N/A TEXTFIELD 32 +
hiringmanagerroom Room N/A TEXTFIELD 10 +
hiringmanagerskillset Skillset N/A Field Group N/A +
hiringmanagerskill Skill N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
hiringmanagerskilllevel Skill Level N/A DROPDOWN_SINGLE N/A +
hiringmanagersource Source N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE_VALUE 255 +
i9allaccess Grant access to all I-9s N/A DROPDOWN_SINGLE N/A +
i9businessunit I-9 Business Unit N/A COMPANYLINK N/A +
i9completioncode I-9 Completion Code N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
i9completionlocation I-9 Completion Location N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
i9nextaction I-9 Next Action N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
i9nextactionduedate I-9 Next Action Due Date N/A DATEONLY N/A +
i9url I-9 URL N/A URL 2083 +
i9worksite I-9 Worksite N/A ADDRESSLINK N/A +
initialemployeraccess Grant access to all I-9s for selected Employer(s) only N/A Field Group N/A +
i9businessunitaccess I-9 Business Unit N/A COMPANYLINK N/A +
initialworksiteaccess Grant access to all I-9s for selected Worksite(s) only N/A Field Group N/A +
i9worksiteaccess I-9 Worksite N/A COMPANYLINK N/A +
integrationpassword Integration Password N/A TEXTFIELD 192 +
integrationusername Integration Username N/A TEXTFIELD 192 +
job Job N/A JOBLINK N/A +
jobtitle Job Title JobTitle TEXTFIELD 255 +
lastname Last Name LastName TEXTFIELD 64 +
licensecertification License/Certification N/A Field Group N/A +
licensecertstatus License/Cert Status N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
licensenumber License/Cert Number N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
licensetype License/Cert Type N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
stateissued State Issued N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
location Location N/A ADDRESSLINK N/A +
login Login N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
logingroup Login Group LoginGroup DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
manager Manager Manager PERSONLINK N/A +
middlename Middle Name MiddleName TEXTFIELD 32 +
nationality Nationality Nationality EEODROPDOWN N/A +
note Note N/A TEXTFIELD 150 +
organization Organization Organization TEXTFIELD 32 +
origin Origin N/A EEODROPDOWN N/A +
password Password Password PASSWORD 128 +
phones Phones N/A Field Group (With Default Selection) N/A +
phoneextension Extension N/A TEXTFIELD 9 +
phonenumber Number N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
phonetype Type N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
poenddate Orientation End Date POEndDate DATEONLY N/A +
polocation Location N/A ADDRESSLINK N/A +
ponumber Orientation Number N/A TEXTFIELD 255 +
portalacceptgdpr Do you accept the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) privacy policy? N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
portalacceptprivacypolicy Do you accept the privacy policy? N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
portaleuresident Are you a European Union (EU) resident? N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
postartdate Orientation Start Date N/A DATEONLY N/A +
preferredcountry Preferred Country N/A DROPDOWN_MULTIPLE_ID N/A +
preferredindustries Preferred Industries N/A LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE N/A +
preferredjoblocations Preferred Job Locations N/A Field Group N/A +
preferredjoblocation Preferred Job Location N/A ADDRESSLINK N/A +
preferredlocations Preferred State N/A DROPDOWN_MULTIPLE_ID N/A +
preferredpositions Preferred Positions N/A LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE N/A +
primaryreps Primary Rep N/A PERSONLINK N/A +
priority Priority Priority LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
profilepicture Profile Picture N/A IMAGE N/A +
qualification Qualification Qualification LISTEDITOR_SINGLE_VALUE 25 +
race Race Race EEODROPDOWN N/A +
rating Rating N/A Rating N/A +
ratingcreator Rated By N/A PERSONLINK N/A +
ratingnote Note N/A TEXTFIELD 512 +
ratingvalue Rating Value N/A NUMBER 5 +
recruiter Recruiter N/A PERSONLINK N/A +
references References N/A Field Group N/A +
referencescity Reference City N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
referencescompany Reference Company N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
referencescountry Reference Country N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
referencescounty Reference County N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
referencesemail Reference Email N/A EMAIL 64 +
referencesfirstname Reference First Name N/A TEXTFIELD 32 +
referenceslastname Reference Last Name N/A TEXTFIELD 32 +
referencesphone Reference Phone N/A TEXTFIELD 32 +
referencesstate Reference State/Province N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
referencesstreet1 Reference Address N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
referencesstreet2 Reference Address 2 N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
referenceszip Reference Postal Code N/A TEXTFIELD 16 +
regulatorycountry Regulatory Country N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
religion Religion Religion EEODROPDOWN N/A +
room Room Room TEXTFIELD 10 +
salary Desired Salary Salary SALARY N/A +
secondaryreps Secondary Reps N/A Field Group N/A +
secondaryrep Representative N/A PERSONLINK N/A +
secretary Assistant Secretary PERSONLINK N/A +
skype Skype N/A SKYPE 32 +
socialaccounturl Social Account URL N/A URL 2083 +
socialdistributionenabled Social Distribution Enabled N/A DROPDOWN_SINGLE N/A +
source Source Source DROPDOWN_SINGLE 128 +
sourcechannel Source Channel Sourcechannel DROPDOWN_SINGLE 64 +
sourcedevice Source Device N/A DROPDOWN_SINGLE N/A +
sourceemail Source Email SourceEmail EMAIL 128 +
sourcename Source Name SourceName LISTEDITOR_SINGLE_VALUE 128 +
sourceperson Source Person SourcePerson PERSONLINK N/A +
sourcephone Source Phone SourcePhone TEXTFIELD 64 +
sourceportal Source Portal N/A DROPDOWN_SINGLE N/A +
ssn Legacy SSN SSN TEXTFIELD 12 +
startdate Start Date StartDate DATEONLY N/A +
stateadditionalwithholding State Additional Withholdings N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
stateexemptfromfit State Exempt From FIT N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
stateexemptions State Exemptions N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
statemaritalstatus State Marital Status N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
statewithholdingtype State Withholding Type N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
supervisor Manager N/A PERSONLINK N/A +
tags Tag N/A TAG N/A +
title Job Title Title TEXTFIELD 32 +
userlists User Lists N/A LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE N/A +
usssn US SSN N/A SSN N/A +
veteran Veteran Veteran EEODROPDOWN N/A +
visastatus Visa Status VisaStatus LISTEDITOR_SINGLE_VALUE 20 +
willingtorelocate Are you willing to relocate? N/A DROPDOWN_SINGLE N/A +
withholdingstate Withholding State N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
workexperience Professional Experience N/A Field Group N/A +
workaddress Address N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
workcity City N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
workcountry Country N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
workdescription Description N/A TEXTAREA N/A +
workemployer Employer N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
workemployerphonenumber Employer Phone Number N/A TEXTFIELD 128 +
workenddate End Date N/A DATEONLY N/A +
workendingsalary Ending Salary N/A SALARY N/A +
workmaywecontact May We Contact N/A LISTEDITOR_SINGLE N/A +
workreasonforleaving Reason for Leaving N/A TEXTAREA N/A +
workstartdate Start Date N/A DATEONLY N/A +
workstartingsalary Starting Salary N/A SALARY N/A +
workstate State N/A DROPDOWN_ID N/A +
worksupervisorname Supervisor's Name N/A TEXTFIELD 192 +
worksupervisortitle Supervisor's Title N/A TEXTFIELD 192 +
worktitle Title N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +
workzip Zip N/A TEXTFIELD 64 +