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Displaying 11 - 20 of 301- Error Handling - Basic page
Last ModifiedIn the event that there is a problem processing an API request iCIMS follows standard behaviors across all API endpoints to inform clients about request problems The , Status Code, of the HTTP response indicates the overall success or failure of a request Any Status Code in the 2XX range indicates success In addition to Status Codes information about problems encountered when processing a request are communicated through , XWarning , or , XError, , HTTP response headers, A response may contain multiple HTTP response headers indicating there were multiple problems while handling a particular request In addition to the header an error will be provided in the JSON response All problems reported in the header will follow a consistent format The format for an XWarning or XError HTTP response header is as follows , XWarning
, OR , XError
, Eg XError2Job not found Code a unique code consisting of numbers used to reference specific errors that occur in the Platform Detail a description of the problem Note If the warning or error is specific to a field the field ID will also be sent as part of the response header , XWarning
, OR , XError
, Eg XWarning4StartDate Field name must be all lowercase A message containing information about the error will also be provided in the JSON response An example of this message is as follows errors errorMessageJob not found errorCode2 Note If the warning or error is specific to a field the field ID will also be sent as part of the JSON response as in the following example warnings…, Current Errors, iCIMS uses the following warnings and errors , Error, Code, Status Code, Definition, INTERNALERROR 0 500 Internal Server Error Used for errors on the Platform FIELDREQUIRED 1 400 Bad Request Used for a missing field RESOURCENOTFOUND 2 404 Not Found Used for trying to pull a resource that does not exist RESOURCEACCESSDENIED 3 404 Not Found Used for trying to access a forbidden resource FIELDINVALID 4 400 Bad Request Used for when the information in a field is invalid…
- Error Reporting Standard for Vendors - Basic page
Last ModifiedIn the event that a 3rd party vendor wishes to respond to an iCIMS request with error information iCIMS has defined an Error Reporting Standard This standard has three features First vendors must report errors by responding with the appropriate HTTP Status Code as defined below, Error Type, HTTP Status Code, Definition, TEMPORARY ERROR 503 Service Unavailable Used to express a temporary error perhaps due to maintenance USER ERROR 400 Bad Request Used to express an error that can be resolved by the user SYSTEM ERROR 500 Internal Server Error Used to express an error that requires intervention from Vendor andor iCIMS HelpDesk Second vendors specify a JSON error payload as follows error…, US SSN, was invalid Note that the bold encoded portion of the message will be displayed as the platformspecified value thus taking into account any customizations that may have been performed by customer Note that invalid variables that cannot be resolved will be displayed as is Additional examples include, peoplefirstname, to refer First Name field of Person Profile, applicantworkflowsfield1234, to refer some custom field of Recruiting workflow Profile Supported Profile Types and their prefixes for the format above are as follows Person , people, Job , jobs, Recruiting Workflow , applicantworkflows, Onboarding Workflow , onboardworkflows, New Hire Categories , newhirecategories
- Field Types - Basic page
Last ModifiedThis page describes the different field types available in iCIMS and their representation when retrieving their values as well as the expected representations when modifying them These representations are examples only The identifiers need to be determined by the specific requests For any field types a null or empty string can be provided as the value to delete its value from the Profile Text…, Text, Term, Description, GET Returns the text value , firstname, John SET A text value is expected , URL, Term, Description, GET Returns the URL value Any text values can be stored to this field so a real URL is not guaranteed , url, httpwwwicimscom SET A URL value is expected Any text values can be stored to this field so a real URL is not enforced , Email, Term, Description, GET Returns the email value Any text values can be stored to this field so the real email is not guaranteed , email, johnsmithiCIMScom SET An email value is expected Any text values can be stored to this field so the real email is not guaranteed , Number, Term, Description, GET Returns a whole number value , numberofpositions, 4 SET A whole number value is expected , Decimal, Term, Description, GET Returns a decimal value , experienceyears, 25 SET A decimal value is expected , Textarea, Term, Description, GET Returns a string of text synopsisThis is some text SET A string of text is expected , HtmlEditor, Term, Description, GET Returns a string of text that may contain HTML markup field1234 This is ltbgtboldltbgt text SET A string of text that may contain HTML markup is expected , Datetime, Term, Description, GET Returns the date and time value in , UTC , in the format , yyyymmdd hhmm a, , field5678, 20100131 1231 PM SET The date and time value in , UTC , in the format , yyyymmdd hhmm a, is expected , Dateonly, Term, Description, GET Returns the date value in the format , yyyymmdd, , field3456, 20100131 SET The date value in the format , yyyymmdd, is expected , Dropdown, Term, Description, GET Returns the value of the selected dropdown option , gender, male SET, text is expected, , gender, female , Dropdown MultiSelect Save Reference, Term, Description, GET , , , id, , formattedvalue, , value, and continuing for any selected values SET , , id id id , Single Select List Editor, Term, Description, GET Returns the JSON object containing the , ID , and display , value , of the selected list node , folder, , id, D1234 , value, CandActive SET The , Default ID, or , Custom ID, of a list node that is part of the nlevel list that is associated with this field is expected Or by value not recommended By , Default ID, reference same nlevel list node across customers a value that comes with the system and is not individually made for a specific customer use the , D, prefix and then the , SystemID , of the node , field67890, , id, D1234 By , Custom ID, reference a specific nlevel list node on a specific customers system that is unique to this customer use the , C, prefix and the , NodeId , of the node , field67890, , id, C2735 By value use the display value , field67890, , value, active If both the , id , and , value , are provided the id will always take priority over the value Note For additional information about patching values for the School Major and Degree lists please see the, Person Profile, Data Model, Multiple Select List Editor, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON array of JSON objects that contain the , ID , and display , value , of the selected list nodes , preferredindustries, , id, C5432 , value, Health Care , id, C9876 , value, Technology , id, C8923 , value, Financial , id, C7432 , value, Transportation SET A JSON array of list node IDs that are part of the nlevel list that is associated with this field is expected This is the same format as the , Single Select List Editor, field where a specific , Default ID, , Custom ID, or , Value, can be set to reference the nlevel list node , preferredindustries, , id, C3879 , id, C3886 , Profile Link, Term, Description, GET All the Profile Link fields person job company except the , Company Address, Profile Link field will be in the following format This action returns a JSON object containing the display value as it would on the Profile and the , performanceId, The display value will be formatted in the following way for each type of field Person firstName lastName Job jobTitle Company companyName Address companyName street street2 city state zip country Custom Profile title , hiringmanager, , profile, httpsapidevicimscomcustomers1234people1234567 , id, 1234567 , value, John Smith SET The ProfileID PersonID JobID CompanyID PerformanceID , OR , External ID can be used , hiringmanager, 1234567 , OR, , hiringmanager, , id, 1234567 , OR, , hiringmanager, , externalid, 87654 , Company Address Link, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON object just like the Profile Link fields return with the difference being a , companyId , is also given and an API URL to access the address is given in The id provided by this field is an , addressId , that points to a specific address on the specified company Profile , location, , id, 3 , address, httpsapiicimscomcustomers1234companies7fieldsaddresses3 , value, iCIMS 90 Matawan Road Parkway 120 5th Floor Matawan NJ 07747 USA , companyid, 7 SET Multiple options exist to set an addresslink field including a specific address ID or a reference ID or external ID to a specific company profile Specific Address ID With this option the addresslink field is set with a specific address from a company profile , location, 3 Company Profile ID or External ID With this option the addresslink field is set with the default address from the referenced company profile , location, , company, , id, 7 OR , location, , company, , externalid, Northeast Region , Salary, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON object containing the currency symbol amount value amount string and time frame of the salary field , salary, , currency, usd , amount, 25 , amountstring, 25 , timeframe, hourly SET The same JSON object containing the currency symbol amount value amount string and time frame is expected , salary, , currency, usd , amount, 35000 , amountstring, 35000 , timeframe, yearly , Currency, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON object containing the currency symbol and amount value of the currency field , signingbonus, , currency, usd , amount, 5000 SET The same JSON object containing the currency symbol and amount value is expected , signingbonus, , currency, usd , amount, 4000 , Image, Term, Description, GET Returns an API URL to the image , profilepicture, , filename, profilePicturejpg , file, httpsapiicimscomcustomers1234people5fieldsprofilePicturebinary SET The value of this field cannot be set as with other Profile fields Users must POST the URL directly to the field Use the same URL as shown in the example above , File, Term, Description, GET Returns an API URL to the file , resume, , filename, 11574catatatataHamilton10859Resumedoc , file, httpsapiicimscomcustomersasd2311234asd23people5fieldsresumebinary SET The value of this field cannot be set as with other Profile fields Users must POST the URL directly to the field Use the same URL as shown in the example above , Collections, Term, Description, GET Returns a JSON array of up to a 100 maximum capped even if the system has more collection groups JSON objects ordered in the same ordering as in the iCIMS Talent Platform which is customizable per collection , phones, , entry, 23 , phonenumber, 2125551234 , phonetype, home , entry, 24 , phonenumber, 2125555678 , phonetype, work , entry, 25 , phonenumber, 2125553456 , phonetype, mobile SET The same format as when retrieving Collections that support having a group marked as , default , can be set by specifying , Default true, as an attribute value in the JSON To delete a collection group specifying , Delete true, as an attribute value in the JSON will trigger it Excluding child fields does not mean their values will be deleted Deleting a specific child fields value is the same as for normal fields A null or blank must be specified If an , entry , is provided iCIMS will try to update the group if it exists If one is not provided iCIMS will assume the , entry , is creating a new group The field is an entry ID or the ID of the entry in the collection group, Note, When attempting to add a collection containing data that is an exact duplicate of an existing collection the update will be ignored and a new entry will not be created Additionally when attempting to delete data within an existing collection and replace it with an identical collection the existing collection data will be deleted but the new collection will not be created , phones, , entry, 23 , phonenumber, 2125551234 , phonetype, , value, Home , phonenumber, 2125555678 , phonetype, , value, Work , default, true , entry, 25 , delete, true
- Log in Error - Basic page
Last ModifiedThere was an error with your log in Please contact developerhelpicimscom for help with your account
- Standard Apply Framework Questions - Basic page
Last ModifiedThis document describes the standard questions that exist in the Apply Framework What is a standard question Its an immutable question that will exist within the framework the moment a customer enables Apply These questions differ from other questions that are imported into the framework on behalf of an ATS They represent a common set of questions that are generally standard to an application or…, Standard Questions List, The below chart outlines the standard fields associated with the Apply Framework, Question Name, Question Type, questionText enUS, Validate, Max, Question Set, Intended Use, iApplyfirstname TEXT First Name 1 192 The Candidates First Name iApplylastname TEXT Last Name 1 64 The Candidates Last Name iApplymiddlename TEXT Middle Name 1 32 The Candidates Middle Name iApplyemail TEXT Email 4 128 The Candidates contact email iApplyexperienceyears DECIMAL Exp Years The number of years the candidate has worked iApplyphonetype SELECT Phone Type Phones The…, What the Columns Mean, This table will describe each column from the Standard Questions table, Field, Description, Question Name Will be composed of schemaDomainschemaType Should be unique for each profile question since schemaType should be unique For the framework this will be a combination of iApplyschemaType Question Type Represents the style of question Question Text The actual question that is being asked Validate The validation code for each question It determines what characters are allowed when a…, Validate Value Mappings, Validation ID, Validation Type, Validation Rule, 1 Name Allow alphanumeric characters and ® | 2 Address Allow alphanumeric characters and ` | + ½ ° 3 Phone Allow alphanumeric characters and + 4 Email Allow alphanumeric characters and < > $ + = ^ ` | ~ 5 Compensation Allow alphanumeric characters and + $ 7 Alphanumerics Period Dashes Allow alphabetic and positive…, Question Types , Question Type Description Allows Question Options TEXT Represents a freeform text box Standard questions of this type may have a maximum character limit but a character limit is not needed No SELECT Represents a dropdown question Questions of this type need questionOptions which will be used to populate the dropdown Yes DECIMAL Represents a question expecting a number that can be a decimal or an…, Question Schema, The Schema can be slightly different but the below should give a good idea of what to expect for Standard Questions The main difference that you should expect will come from the different questionTypes For example if a question has a questionType of SELECT that question will be required to have questionOptions as part of the questionText as seen below All other questionTypes that you will see…
- Apply Flows Jobs and Job Applications - Basic page
Last ModifiedAn apply flow contains a hierarchical set of questions and is identified by a unique version number represented by the applyFlowVersionId A job has a unique identifier for the connector represented by the jobId Each job is associated with an applyFlowVersionId An applyFlowVersionId of 1 indicates that the job is not associated with any apply flow The customer may designate an apply flow to be…
- Terms of Use - Basic page
Last ModifiedLast Modified July 20 2018 These terms of use are entered into by and between You , you, , You, or , Developer, and iCIMS Inc , iCIMS, , we, or , us, Any reference to party or parties shall be a reference to You and iCIMS each a , Party, and collectively the , Parties, Please read these terms of use carefully before using or accessing the developer site at httpsdevelopericimscom the , Developer Site, By your access or use of the Developer Site You accept and agree to be bound and abide by these terms of use provided however that the terms of a separate agreement entered into by and between You and iCIMS shall govern to the exclusion of these Terms of Use as defined below where applicable Our Privacy Policy found at httpswwwiCIMScomlegalprivacypolicywebsite the Privacy Policy and our…, Additional Documentation, are incorporated herein by reference and together herewith constitute the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof the , Terms of Use, Any reference to Partner in the Additional Documentation shall be a reference to Developer as defined in these Terms of Use If you wish not to agree to these Terms of Use you must not access or use the Developer Site By use of or gaining access to this Developer Site You represent and warrant that You are of legal age to contract with iCIMS and meet the foregoing eligibility requirements If You…, 11 , Confidential Information, shall mean certain nonpublic information of the disclosing party or of third parties that is designated as confidential or proprietary or that by its nature is reasonably understood to be confidential or proprietary and that derives independent value from not being generally known to the public Confidential Information Confidential Information shall not include i information previously known to…, 12 , Developer Materials , shall mean business partner logos marketing materials technical materials training materials and other information of Developer or of third parties including Confidential Information, 13 , Developer Property, shall mean collectively Developer Services Developer Software Developer Materials and the Confidential Information of Developer as well as all materials created by Developer including but not limited to documentation designs andor specifications with respect to any integration any other proprietary materials data or information of Developer or its subsidiaries, 14 , Developer Services, shall mean the provision of services by Developer to an iCIMS subscriber pursuant to separate agreement between them including the provision of the Developer Software, 15 , Developer Software, shall mean the proprietary software included in the Developer Services including the Developer Web Services, 16 , Developer Web Services, shall mean the ability for Developer Services to integrate with iCIMS Subscription through certain batch files APIs or web services , 17 , iCIMS Materials , shall mean business partner logos marketing materials technical materials regarding the iCIMS Subscription training materials iCIMS customer and prospect lists and customer and prospect contact information and other information of iCIMS or of third parties including Confidential Information, 18 , iCIMS Property, shall mean collectively iCIMS Subscription iCIMS Software iCIMS Materials and the Confidential Information of iCIMS as well as all materials created by iCIMS including but not limited to documentation designs andor specifications with respect to any integration any other proprietary materials data or information of iCIMS or its subsidiaries, 19 , iCIMS Subscription, shall mean the provision of services by iCIMS to an iCIMS subscriber pursuant to a subscription agreement between them including the provision of the iCIMS Software, 110 , iCIMS Software, shall mean the proprietary software included in the iCIMS Subscription including the iCIMS Web Services, 111 , , iCIMS Web Services, shall mean the ability for iCIMS Subscription to integrate with Developer Software through certain batch files APIs or web services, 112 , Include, and variations thereof shall mean include without limitation and including without limitation, 113 , Integration, shall mean an integration between iCIMS Subscription and Developer Services via iCIMS Web Services and Developer Web Services as described in the Technical Annex, 114 , Intellectual Property Rights , shall mean any and all right title and interest including patent applications patents copyrights moral rights database rights trademarks service marks or trade secrets and any and all other intellectual property or proprietary rights recognized or enforceable under the intellectual property rights of any country in the world, 115 , Losses, shall mean all losses liabilities damages and claims and all related costs and expenses including reasonable legal fees and disbursements and costs of investigation litigation settlement judgment interest and penalties, 116 , Subscriber Data, shall mean the electronic data or information submitted by iCIMSs subscribers to the iCIMS Subscription or to the Developer Services as the case may be 2 INTEGRATION ARRANGEMENT, 21 , Changes, We may revise and update the terms of these Terms of Use from time to time in our sole discretion All changes are effective immediately when we post them and apply to all access to and use of the Developer Site thereafter, Your continued use of the Developer Site following the posting of revised terms means that you accept and agree to the changes You are expected to check this page each time you access this Developer Site so you are aware of any changes as they are binding on you, We reserve the right to withdraw or amend this Developer Site and any service or material we provide on the Developer Site in our sole discretion without notice We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the Developer Site is unavailable at any time or for any period No representation or warranty is made or implied concerning and iCIMS assumes no responsibility for the accuracy…, 22 , Relationship, These Terms of Use are nonexclusive and either Party may enter into similar relationships with other third parties, , 23 , Obligation, You are responsible for, To access the Developer Site or some of the resources it offers you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information It is a condition of your use of the Developer Site that all the information you provide on the Developer Site is correct current and complete You agree that all information you provide to register with this Developer Site or otherwise including but not…, If you choose or are provided with a user name password or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures you must treat such information as confidential and you must not disclose it to any other person or entity You also acknowledge that your account is personal to you and agree not to provide any other person with access to this Developer Site or portions of it using your…, We have the right to disable any user name password or other identifier whether chosen by you or provided by us at any time in our sole discretion for any or no reason including if in our opinion you have violated any provision of these Terms of Use, , 24 , iCIMS Marks, , During the Term Developer will obtain iCIMSs written consent for any use of iCIMS Materials used as marketing and promotional materials in connection with these Terms of Use other than as provided for in the then current Program Guide iCIMS shall have the right to object to and thereby prohibit the use of its Materials on or in any materials at any time in its sole discretion For clarity…, , 25, User Contributions, 251 The Developer Site may contain message boards chat rooms personal web pages or profiles forums bulletin boards and other interactive features collectively Interactive Services that allow users to post submit publish display or transmit to other users or other persons hereinafter post content or materials collectively User Contributions on or through the Developer Site 252 All User…, , 26 , Content Standards, These content standards the Content Standards apply to any and all User Contributions and use of the Developer Site User Contributions must in their entirety comply with all applicable federal state local and foreign laws and regulations Without limiting the foregoing User Contributions must not, Making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to the Developer Site, Ensuring that all persons who access the Developer Site through your internet connection are aware of these Terms of Use and comply with them, Treating other Developer Site users with courtesy and respect, Contain any material which is defamatory obscene indecent abusive offensive harassing violent hateful inflammatory or otherwise objectionable, Promote sexually explicit or pornographic material violence or discrimination based on race sex religion nationality disability sexual orientation or age, Infringe any patent trademark trade secret copyright or other intellectual property or other rights of any other person, Violate the legal rights including the rights of publicity and privacy of others or contain any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable laws or regulations or that otherwise may be in conflict with these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, Be likely to deceive any person, Promote any illegal activity or advocate promote or assist any unlawful act, Cause annoyance inconvenience or needless anxiety or be likely to upset embarrass alarm or annoy any other person, Impersonate any person or misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person or organization, Involve commercial activities or sales such as contests sweepstakes and other sales promotions barter or advertising, Give the impression that they emanate from or are endorsed by us or any other person or entity if this is not the case, 3 OWNERSHIP AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, 31 , Confidential Information, Each Party acknowledges that during the performance of their obligations subject to these Terms of Use it will have access to Confidential Information Receiving Party agrees to maintain and shall cause its subscribers users employees agents and subcontractors as applicable to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information Receiving Party shall take commercially reasonable security…, , 32 , Limited GrantBack, Subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use each Party hereby grants to the other Party a revocable nonexclusive nontransferable nonsublicensable right and license to use the other Partys Materials solely for use by the Partys employees agents and consultants to i develop maintain and support the Integration and ii become knowledgeable about the other Partys Web Services including…, , 33 , Limited Use NonDisclosure, Receiving Party shall use the Confidential Information solely in connection with these Terms of Use Receiving Party shall not disclose directly or indirectly any Confidential Information to third parties except to receiving Partys and its affiliates officers directors employees consultants and agents on a needtoknow basis provided such parties have executed appropriate written agreements…, , 34 , Ownership, , Developer or its licensors own all right title and interest to Developers Property and iCIMS or its licensors own all right title and interest to iCIMSs Property, , 35 , Data Privacy, , Developer shall notify all of Developers applicable subscribers that their Subscriber Data will be transmitted outside Developer Services where applicable Developer is responsible for the privacy security or integrity of the Integration Developer represents and warrants that to the extent the Developer Services stores processes or transmits Subscriber Data neither Developer nor Developer Services…, , 36 , Security Breaches, If Developer knows or has reason to believe that any unauthorized access to or disclosure of iCIMSs Confidential Information has occurred the Developer shall use commercially reasonable efforts to immediately notify iCIMS within no more than six 6 hours of such unauthorized access or disclosure The Developer shall provide the proposed next steps to resolve the breach as well as taking the…, , 37 , Restrictions, , Any rights not expressly granted by a Party are reserved by such Party and all implied licenses are disclaimed Each Party shall not exceed the scope of the licenses granted Each Party shall not reverse engineer decompile translate adapt or disassemble or in any way attempt to reconstruct or discover any source code of any Confidential Information including the Web Services or the iCIMS…, 4 WARRANTIES COVENANTS, 41 , Standards and Purpose, Developer represents and warrants that its performance of its obligations subject to these Terms of Use shall i be provided without material defect in material or workmanship and consistent with or exceeding generally accepted industry practices and procedures and ii be provided or performed through the use of reasonable care and in a timely professional and workmanlike manner, , 42 , Compliance With Laws, Developer represents and warrants that its performance of its obligations subject to these Terms of Use shall comply with all state federal and international laws and regulations applicable to Developer Developer shall comply with all US or other export and reexport restrictions that may apply to software including the Web Services or the iCIMS Subscription technology andor services, , 43 , Data Security, During the performance of its obligations subject to these Terms of Use Developer represents and warrants that it will take commercially reasonable security precautions that in any event are no less rigorous those applicable to iCIMS in iCIMSs Data Security Privacy Policy incorporated herein by reference and available at wwwicimscomgc the Data Security Privacy Policy, , 44 , Ownership and NonInfringement, Developer represents and warrants that i its performance of its obligations subject to these Terms of Use does not and will not infringe or violate any Intellectual Property Rights of third parties ii Developer is the sole and exclusive owner of all Developer Property used in the performance of its obligations subject to these Terms of Use and iii Developer has all rights necessary to grant the…, , 45 , No Virus, Developer represents and warrants that it will use commercially available software to attempt to detect and prevent any Developer Property from containing any time bomb worm virus lock dropdead device or other similar component of software or electronically stored information that is intended in any manner to i damage destroy alter or adversely affect the operation of software hardware or a…, , 46 , Disclaimer, EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THESE TERMS OF USE ICIMS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ACCURACY NONINFRINGEMENT OR INTERFERENCE IF ANY OF THE EXCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION IS DETERMINED BY A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION TO BE UNENFORCEABLE THEN ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND…, 5 INDEMNIFICATION, 51 , Indemnity, Developer agrees to indemnify defend and hold harmless iCIMS its affiliates and their officers directors employees agents successors and assigns from any Losses related to arising from or in connection with any third party claim related to arising from or in connection with i the actual or alleged breach by Developer of these Terms of Use ii the Integration andor Developer Software infringing a…, , 52 , No Damages, IN NO EVENT WILL iCIMS ITS AFFILIATES OR THEIR LICENSORS SERVICE PROVIDERS EMPLOYEES AGENTS OFFICERS OR DIRECTORS BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE DEVELOPER SITE ANY WEBSITES LINKED TO IT ANY CONTENT ON THE DEVELOPER SITE OR SUCH OTHER WEBSITES OR ANY SERVICES OR ITEMS OBTAINED THROUGH THE DEVELOPER…, THE FOREGOING DOES NOT AFFECT ANY LIABILITY WHICH CANNOT BE EXCLUDED OR LIMITED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, 6 GENERAL, 61 , Equitable Relief, Each Party acknowledges and agrees that violation of Article 3 Ownership Intellectual Property may cause the other Party irreparable injury not compensable by money damages alone for which the nonbreaching Party will not have an adequate remedy at law Accordingly the nonbreaching Party may seek injunctive or other equitable relief without posting a bond to enforce such provisions or to prevent…, , 62 , Governing Law and Arbitration, , These Terms of Use shall be governed exclusively by the internal laws of the State of New York without regard to its conflicts of laws rules Each party hereby consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in New Jersey to adjudicate any dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use The Parties shall promptly negotiate in good faith to resolve all…, , 63 , Waiver and Severability, No waiver by iCIMS of any term or condition set forth in these Terms of Use shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition and any failure of iCIMS to assert a right or provision under these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision, If any provision of these Terms of Use is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid illegal or unenforceable for any reason such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use will continue in full force and effect, , 64 , Relationship of Parties, Both Parties agree that they are independent entities Nothing in these Terms of Use shall be construed to create an employment partnership joint venture fiduciary or agency relationship between the Parties , , 65 , Entire Agreement, Except as expressly stated in these Terms of Use these Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between the Parties and supersede all prior and contemporaneous agreements proposals or representations written or oral concerning their subject matter No modification amendment or waiver of any provision of these Terms of Use shall be effective unless it is by an update to these Terms of Use that…, , Your Comments and Concerns, This Developer Site is operated by iCIMS Inc located at 101 Crawfords Corner Road Suite 3100 Holmdel NJ 07733
- Integration Terms - Basic page
Last ModifiedWeb Services for Standard NonStandard Connectors and Connectors purchased through thirdparty marketplaces | Connectors | Streaming Connector | Streaming API | Call Expansion, Terms For Connectors purchased prior to August 6th 2019, Terms For Connectors purchased on or after August 6th 2019, Terms for Integrations purchased on or after April 1 2022 formerly Connectors, Web Services for Standard NonStandard Connectors and Connectors purchased through thirdparty marketplaces, Connectors, Integrations, iCIMS customers have implemented hundreds of different integrations to meet a variety of business requirements and have successfully integrated with many different thirdparty systems Like the rest of the iCIMS Talent Platform the integration capabilities have been built to offer the flexibility and configurability iCIMS does not limit its customers to a predefined set of hardcoded integrations…, Restrictions, Throughout the Subscription Period iCIMS may periodically calculate Subscribers average daily API requests Such calculation will be reached by rolling back the previous ninety 90 days and averaging the Subscribers daily API requests used during that time Subscribers API requests may go over the Allowable Daily Limit and increase by up to five 5 times the Allowable Daily Limit per day without…, Configurable AddOn, The purchase of a Configurable AddOn permits the Subscriber or Developer to alter or configure the standard iCIMS API subject to the Developer Terms of Use available at httpsdevelopercommunityicimscomtermsuse This Configurable AddOn does not increase the Allowable Daily Limit Subscribers and Developers are not permitted to alter the APIs in any manner unless they have purchased or upgraded to a…, Integration Restrictions, Throughout the Subscription Period iCIMS may periodically calculate Subscribers average daily API requests Such calculation will be reached by rolling back the previous ninety 90 days and averaging the Subscribers daily API requests used during that time Subscribers API requests may go over the Allowable Daily Limit and increase by up to five 5 times the Allowable Daily Limit per day without…, Configurations, The purchase of a Configuration permits the Subscriber or Developer to alter or configure the standard iCIMS API subject to the Developer Terms of Use available at httpsdevelopercommunityicimscomtermsuse These Configurations do not increase the Allowable Daily Limit Each Configuration type permits a set number of field changes A field change is defined as any addition removal or change to the…, Small Configuration, Integration with up to 25 field changes Up to 10 customer field changes post golive permitted per annum total field changes may not exceed 25 If Subscriber needs additional field changes a configuration tier upgrade may be required , Medium Configuration, Integration with up to 75 field changes Up to 20 customer field changes post golive permitted per annum total field changes may not exceed 75 A field change is defined as an addition removal or change to the field mapping If Subscriber needs additional field changes a configuration tier upgrade may be required , Large Configuration, Integration with up to 150 field changes Up to 35 customer field changes post golive permitted per annum total field changes may not exceed 150 A field change is defined as an addition removal or change to the field mapping If Subscriber needs additional field changes a configuration tier upgrade may be required , Streaming Connector, Streaming API, Streaming API, The Streaming Connector offers a powerful data synchronization technology that allows the export of large data sets and keeps that data set in sync with realtime updates Streaming Connector offers the following Access to one streaming channel that defines the set of profiles and fields to be exported and synchronized in an applicable statement of work One integration account that can be secured…, Call Expansion , Call Limit Increase, Call Limit Increase, iCIMS Web Service API requests have a daily limit of 10000 for a Standard NonStandard or Streaming Connector Allowable Daily Limit If a Subscriber is over its Allowable Daily Limit API Call Limit Increases can be purchased to increase the Allowable Daily Limit Throughout the Subscription Period iCIMS may periodically calculate the average daily API requests that a Subscriber uses Such…
- Legacy API Authentication - Basic page
Last ModifiedImportant Note, This information applies to partners who used Basic HTTP Authentication to authenticate API users before September 21 2020 At this time partners should adopt OAuth 20 as their authentication method to authenticate API users for information review Authenticating API Calls with OAuth 20, Username Password, The Platform uses Basic HTTP Authentication to authenticate API users API users must provide an Authorization header to access any API resources The Authorization header is a base64 encoded string composed of the username concatenated with the password with a colon in between The credentials used to authenticate are different for each customer system being accessed, Sample Message, AuthorizationBasic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== In the example above the username , Aladdin , and the password open sesame are concatenated to, Aladdinopen sesame, Then the base64 encode was used to receive , QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==, If an , Authorization , header is not included the challenge response shown below will be displayed, Sample Message , WWWAuthenticateBasic realm=apiicimscom, Tip , Make sure that you include the Authorization Header as part of your initial request to avoid sending a request without an authorization header receiving a challenge response and then resending the same request with an authorization header
- Integrating with iCIMS - Landing page
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