Search Results
Displaying 21 - 30 of 301- FileBased Transfers - Landing page
Last Modified
- Field Validation - Basic page
Last ModifiedField Validation, iCIMS validates some kinds of standard fields within the iCIMS Talent Platform Please review the information below as the validation varies depending on field and field type, Name Validation, The fields below allow any alphanumeric character any dash character and the following characters , ` | ® , Note Unicode symbols will be rejected rcf3022 PersonmaidenName PersonProfileFieldsFormerLastName rcf3096 EmployeeInfoempOrganization EmpProfileFieldsOrganization rcf3097 EmployeeInfoempDivision EmpProfileFieldsDivision rcf3102 HiringManagerInfotitle ClientProfileFieldsTitle rcf3104 HiringManagerInfoorganization ClientProfileFieldsHiringManagerOrganization rcf3105…, Address Validation, The fields below allow any alphanumeric character any dash character and the following characters , ` | + ½ ° , rcf3264 CandProfileFieldsWorkAddress rcf3216 CandProfileFieldsWorkCity rcf3265 CandProfileFieldsWorkZip rcf3287 Educationcity CandProfileFieldsEducationCity, Phone Validation, The fields below allow any alphanumeric character any dash character and the following characters , + , rcf3051 PersonProfileFieldsSourcePhone rcf3271 CandProfileFieldsWorkEmployerPhoneNumber, Email Validation, The field below is validated according to the RFC822 specifications rcf3050 PersonProfileFieldsSourceEmail , Compensation Validation, The fields below allow any alphanumeric character any dash character and the following characters , + $, rcf3002 EmpProfileFieldsVacation rcf3007 EmpProfileFieldsAmount401k rcf3015 CandProfileFieldsCommission rcf3016 CandProfileFieldsBonus, Tax Exemption Validation, The fields below allow any alphanumeric character and the following nonalphanumeric characters , + $ , rcf3302 EmpProfileFieldsFederalExemptions rcf3303 EmpProfileFieldsFederalAdditionalWithholding rcf3304 EmpProfileFieldsFederalWithholdingType rcf3305 EmpProfileFieldsFederalExemptFromFIT rcf3308 EmpProfileFieldsStateExemptions rcf3309 EmpProfileFieldsStateAdditionalWithholding rcf3310 EmpProfileFieldsStateWithholdingType rcf3311 EmpProfileFieldsStateExemptFromFIT, Alphanumeric Periods and Dashes Validation, The fields below allow only alphanumeric characters periods and dashes rcf3225 CandProfileFieldsDrivingLicenseNumber rcf3090 EmployeeInfopoNumber EmpProfileFieldsPONumber rcf3095 EmployeeInforoom EmpProfileFieldsRoom rcf3103 HiringManagerInforoom ClientProfileFieldsHiringManagerRoom rcf3262 CandProfileFieldsLicenseNumber rcf3054 CandidateInfossn CandProfileFieldsSSN, Alphanumeric Parenthesis Underscore and Slash Validation, The fields below allow only alphanumeric parenthesis underscore and slash forward slash characters rcf3301 EmpProfileFieldsFederalMaritalStatus rcf3307 EmpProfileFieldsStateMaritalStatus, Alphabetic and Slash Validation, The field below allows only alphabetic and slash forward slash characters rcf3306 EmpProfileFieldsWithholdingState, URL Validation, The fields listed below allow only alphanumeric characters and the following characters, | ~ = + $ , rcf3401 PersonProfileFieldsSocialAccountUrl rcf3184 EmpProfileFieldsI9URL rcf3232 CandProfileFieldsBGCURL rcf3257 CandProfileFieldsResultURL, Anti XSS Validation, The validation for the fields listed below prevents XSS rcf3233 PersonProfileFieldsIntegrationUsername rcf3234 PersonProfileFieldsIntegrationPassword rcf3037 Loginusername PersonProfileFieldsLogin rcf3040 PersonexternalId PersonProfileFieldsExternalID rcf3093 EmployeeInfojobTitle EmpProfileFieldsJobTitle rcf3098 EmployeeInfocomments EmpProfileFieldsNote rcf3246 CandProfileFieldsRatingNote…
- Search API - Forum
Last ModifiedA question was asked how to retrieve results for all candidates that do not have a blank or null background check completed date This example displays retrieving results with a filter of as of today Call Type POST URL httpsapiicimscomcustomers6271searchpeople Payload filtersnamepersoncollectionfield3256datesecondaryValueDATEENDvalueoperator=operator Results truncated searchResults self…
- Partner Screening List API - Forum
Last ModifiedWe were emailed a question asking how to use the list api for background check packages Here is the api call List API Steps for Partner Screening based on best practices IDs to Know List ID = listscustomfieldslists ParentNode Background Package = D37002025 ParentNode Drug Screen Package = D37002030 Adding a new Background Check Package same can be conducted for Drug Screen Call Type POST URL…
- Getting Assessment IDs - Forum
Last ModifiedTo retrieve a list of assessments available in a clients platform there needs to be a GET call run against the assessment list field Example URL httpsapiicimscomcustomers6269listslistscustomfieldslistsnodeC18162 Result truncated hidden false children hidden false id C26217 listnodeid 26217 value WonscoreBA hidden false id C26207 listnodeid 26207 value hiretherightcom talent management…
- Recruit applicant worflow - Forum
Last ModifiedWe received this question in our inbox Hello Im running into an issue attempting to search on the applicantworkflow endpoint I checked the forum and there wasnt any place for endpoint discussions Im trying to filter based on a relation field and its kicking back the following error errors errorMessage The following filter is either not valid or hidden applicantworkflowjob errorCode 5 I get this…
- iCIMS IPs - Forum
Last ModifiedWhitelisting IP Addresses for Integration Traffic US Canadian Hosting Environments Integration partners or clients who need to open their firewall for inbound SFTPHTTPHTTPS traffic from the iCIMS network should whitelist the following IP range 162247160021 Integration partners or clients who need to open their firewall for outbound SFTP traffic to ftpicimscom the iCIMS hosted SFTP server should…
- Pulling iFORMs Through API - Forum
Last ModifiedPulling iFORM IDs through the API When you are ready to pull form data through the API you can use a GET request or a POST through our search API to retrieve the form ID of the associated candidate The filter is based on the form name and the candidates iCIMS system ID The form name will be different for each iFORM so youll have four different filters to choose from based on which form you wish…
- iForm Data Get - Forum
Last ModifiedHere is an example of how to retrieve data stored on an iCIMS iForm If the field is a synced the data is stored on the platform profile field Call Type GET This is only an example of each form You will have tweak the GET for all fields Employment Application 305 URL httpsapiicimscomcustomers6271forms938515questions=…
- Meaning of jobjobposttype search field - Forum
Last ModifiedIm wondering what the search field jobjobposttype corresponds to in a Job Profile Thank you