
This forum is used to ask questions regarding the Standard Integrations

Retrieving onboardworkflow iforms

Standard Integration Questions

Does onboarding workflow allow the retrieval of iforms in the same way as retrieving iforms under the people profile?

Example if I want to retrieve a binary attachment field45709 and the iform JobDescriptionAcknowledgementOB use the fields query parameter as such


Can I do this if there's an iform in the onboarding workflow?

How new hires integrate with our training portal

Standard Integration Questions

I'm troubleshooting an issue with some new hires that aren't being assigned training in our training portal to be completed before their start dates.  There are some employees who require training before their profile makes it into our Human Capital Management system.  I need learn/know where in icims the nightly file that contains employees who have entered the "Hired: Start Onboard Paperwork" status is configured, where any why it's getting the information it sends, and to be able to compare it with the debut file in our training portal.   Does anyone know if there are resourc

Searching forms by name doesn't appear to work as documented

Standard Integration Questions

POSTing to{{}}/customers/{{icims_customer_id}}/search/forms, with the body

{ "filters":[ { "name":"formdata.form.formname", "value":["federal_w4_stv"], "operator":"="} ] }

The documentation states "Text based fields filter by contains." for the "=" operator.

The search returns {"searchResults": []}.

People Search API

Standard Integration Questions

The following URL runs to success in Postman and returns the first 1000 rows of data.


Anytime a filter is applied, the call fails.  Variations on the filter have not been successful either. What needs to be changed for the filter to work?

{{baseURL}}/customers/{{customer}}/search/people?searchJson={"filters":[{"name": "person.lastname","value":["Smith"],"operator":"=="}]}

Error Message:


    "errors": [


            "errorMessage": "Error  while Proxying Request",

API filter to Pull candidates from iCIMS

Standard Integration Questions


I am working on an integration with iCIMS to pull candidates moved to one of the below dispositioned statuses and also type of hire = 'professional' and Country is not China.

I am using the below API and filter, however this is not returning the expected results. Please suggest the correct filter.

Below are Statuses we need to pull

TA Reviewed: Not Selected 14660

HM Reviewed: Not Selected14661

HM Interviewed: Not Selected2038

Pre-Offer Screening Do Not Proceed2037

Offer Accepted2036

Offer Declined/Rejected10025