
This forum is used to ask questions regarding the Standard Integrations

Get all job listings with the job's detailed information with one call

Standard Integration Questions

Looking into the api integration. I can get a token, make a call to get all job listings, and I can make a call to get each job's individual info.

What I would like to do is make a call to get all job listings with the job listing's details attached to each job to avoid making many calls.
Is this possible?

Another question that I have, is if I have a few sets of job listings, can I combine these into one call?

ApplicantWorkflow search seem not to filter correctly

Standard Integration Questions

Hi, I am new to iCims...

I am trying to make a search on applicantworkflows, but filter does not appear to work...

Making this search:{ "filters": [ { "name": "", "value": ["CXXXX"], "operator" : "=" } ] }

Does NOT filter on, ot returns applicantworkflows, regardless of status


Integration trigger through a non-user event

Standard Integration Questions

Hi all, new to iCIMS so pardon any obvious lack of knowledge. I did search through all the posts and could not find exactly what I was looking for. I'm working on an integration where there is external automation triggered by the receipt of an third party assessment. In all of the integration events, it seems like the trigger is by some user, employee or candidate action. Is there one that can be triggered by an incoming assessment from a third party vendor? It might be a case for polling, but I wanted to explore the push option.

Thanks in advance,

Doubt about data structure

Standard Integration Questions


Based on our agreement with ICIMS, attached, we have started using the API system to gather open positions, and we have the following issues. Could you resend to them or provide me a contact to stablish the dialog with?

To obtain the list of jobs we make the request to the following endpoint:

We are doing the request filtering by POST and by GET.

get all fields of entities

Standard Integration Questions

Hi :)
is there a way to export all fields available for a specific entity without listing all the fields?
also, using the schema API I found 100+ fields called 'fieldXXXX'. is there a mapping between those fields ids and their names so I can understand whats in there?
I saw some cases where I exported person entity and listed all the fields exist in the documentation, but didn't receive the gender field, but when I listed all the 'fieldXXXX' I received the gender in 'field19500'
so how can I make sure I get all the data for each entity?