Payload Scheme issue with Job Template Import

We are using "" api to POST job details into ICIMS. We used the same payload format which you provided in the developer resources site. We are getting 4 error responses as shown in the JSON below

"errors": [
"errorMessage": "positioncategory: Field is required.",
"errorCode": 1
"errorMessage": "recruiter: Field is required.",
"errorCode": 1
"errorMessage": "hiringmanager: Field is required.",
"errorCode": 1
"errorMessage": "numberofpositions: Field is required.",
"errorCode": 1

These fields are not part of the payload scheme t provided that you provided but it is expecting them.

Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on March 22, 2019 Permalink

Fields on any profile in iCIMS can be marked as required. This is by user group. The same rules for required, read only etc. apply whether the profile is created in the platform by a user or via the API. For an integration that creates jobs you will need to know what fields the iCIMS client has marked as required. Sample payloads in the developer’s guide are for illustration. You can find all standard fields for a job profile in the data model.