Application complete and status change api

Hello ,
Which apis should we use for application complete and status change apis .
as api raises 404 error , also
how can i request/test icims apis using postman .
what is the base url for sandbox and live .

please share full details how to proceed

my customer id is 6273

Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on September 21, 2020 Permalink

here is the url and data i am posting:
url = ""
data = {
"returnUrl": "",
"customerId": "6273",
"userId": "350677",
"links": [{
"title": "Applicant Workflow",
"rel": "applicantWorkflow",
"url": ""
}, {
"title": "Job Profile",
"rel": "job",
"url": ""
}, {
"title": "Person Profile",
"rel": "person",
"url": "https: //"
}, {
"title": "Posting User",
"rel": "user",
"url": ""
"eventType": "ApplicationCompletedEvent",
"systemId": "504031"