How to get jobs by jobid field instead of id

When I query job details from the endpoint:{customerId}/jobs/{jobId}

I can include the "jobid" field, which contains a value such as "2016-1409". Is there any way to obtain job details (or search jobs) by using the jobid instead of just the id? I tried using the search endpoint specifying job.jobid as a filter, but that just gives me an error:

"The following filter is either not valid or hidden: job.jobid"


Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on January 06, 2023 Permalink

Thank you for your request. When using the jobid field it only refers to the the last 4 digits of the ID so in your case the jobid would be "1409". If your question is specific to a customer site, please contact icims customer support at to confirm that field is unhidden from the API user.