Merge Two Person Records via API or Flat-File


Is it possible to merge two person records via the public API or a flat-file? For example, the person records with the IDs of 38593 and 41939 are duplicates, and the goal is to merge record 38593 into record 41939 resulting in one remaining person profile (41939).

Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on September 12, 2023 Permalink

Merging profiles cannot be done via API but there is a tool within the ATS that allows User Admins to merge profiles. You can find additional details on the iCIMS Community site for customers here:

Submitted by DougM on March 19, 2024 Permalink

There is an API to merge (not published on Developer site). The source has to decide which record is being kept in whatever manner that may be.

Submitted by JonB on March 26, 2024 Permalink

Thanks Doug! Could you share a sample body of an API call which would merge two contacts? My assumption is you need the Person System ID of both contacts and then you identify which is the primary (or candidate to remain) after the merge is complete.