Can you please provide the
Can you please provide the name of the sandbox environment and the exact API call?
I'm using this url:
I'm using this url:
username: JoonkoAPIuser
Shared Apply
The URL needs to be adjusted - please see below:
Your current URL:
URL with correct synxtax:
Also, the Job needs to be in the Approved folder to show on the portal. We adjusted this for the job above. If you need to edit the folder value, this can be done from the Detail tab of the job profile by selecting 'Edit'.
This url: https://jobs
This url:
leads me to the job listing page to search for a job, and not to the specific "Java Developer" job.
is there a way to do that?
You may need to use a different browser for testing as your current login to the sandbox could be conflicting.
Once you have finished applying as the candidate, the Source is visible on the Cand. Details tab of the Person's profile and the Source (workflows) tab of the Recruiting Workflow profile.
Tried incognito and different
Tried incognito and different browser, both redirected me to this address:
Thank you for discussing, permissions for Source have been adjusted in the sandbox. The URL will function for what you are looking to accomplish.
The search filter for candidate source is applicantworkflow.person.customfield3048.text. Below is an example of searching for Job ID + Source. Edit the values of the JobID and Source for the values you are looking for:
"filters": [
"name": "",
"value": ["1000"]
"name": "applicantworkflow.person.customfield3048.text",
"value": ["Company Website"]
"operator": "&"
Hey psherman1,
Hey psherman1,
I tried what you suggested, this is not working for me, always returning empty list of results.
We updated permissions in
We updated permissions in your sandbox environment. Please email the UNIFi team if you are still unable to access or view results.
Please review details regarding the Shared Apply feature This page details the supported fields/parameters, including Source information.